Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Winds (Las Vegas)

Surely you would have to class an overnight stay in Las Vegas as an intense experience. So here are my seven lasting first impressions.

- Somewhere as busy as Times Square rises out of the desert and - puff - is gone again;

- We arrived in 107F heat

and then, an hour later,  there was an inch or more of rain;

two hours later the sidewalks were dry;

- Each hotel had its own odour - their own particular choice of detergents and carpet cleaners? And then it occurred to me: detergent brands are some executive somewhere's decision (or whim)!
 - Hopping desert birds must wonder what happened to the desert, but do the pigeons stop scavenging at the city limits?

- Parts of it look like any other tumble-weed blown desert town. It could be South Australia, and in fact Barstow in California on the way out reminded the composer Percy Grainger of the South Australian outback;

- We walked five miles up Las Vegas Boulevard to Main Street and quite often there was piped music along the way. Was it always the same music - it seemed so - but on this corner, it was the Overture to Handel's Messiah;

- In the mornings the streets seem to be full of short-skirted girls carrying their shoes. On hot sidewalks, some of them begin to hop too.

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